系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2018, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1736-1742.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2018.08.10

• 传感器与信号处理 • 上一篇    下一篇


李波, 周静杨, 高晓光   

  1. 西北工业大学电子信息学院, 陕西 西安 710129
  • 出版日期:2018-07-25 发布日期:2018-07-25

Task schedule method of phased array radar based on auction algorithm

LI Bo, ZHOU Jingyang, GAO Xiaoguang   

  1. School of Electronic and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China
  • Online:2018-07-25 Published:2018-07-25


灵活有效的驻留时间调度算法是实现多功能相控阵雷达(phased array radar,PAR)工作性能优化和资源合理利用的基础。通过将时间作为拍卖物品,待调度任务作为竞拍者,设计了基于拍卖算法的PAR调度方案。该算法结合PAR的任务调度原则,以任务优先级原则和时间利用原则为标准,建立了拍卖者所得利润的竞拍价值函数。以期望执行时间原则为标准,给出了竞拍者的竞标期望函数。仿真结果显示,当PAR调度任务处于饱和时,所用算法的任务调度成功率和实现价值率依然较高,能够满足任务对平均时间偏移率的较低要求,并且能够保障高优先级任务的优先调度。


An effective duration scheduling algorithm is very important in multifunction phased array radars (PAR) to optimize performance and improve resource utilization ratio. By using the time as the auction items, and the tasks to be scheduled as bidders, the action algorithmbased PAR scheduling scheme is designed. The algorithm combines the task scheduling principle of PAR, on the base of task priority principles and the principles of timeuse, to establish the auction value function of auctioneers’ profits. A desired time principle as the standard, the bidders bid desired function is established. The simulation results show when the PAR scheduling task is in saturation, the algorithm has a higher scheduling success rate, hit value rate and lower average time shifting rate, ensuring the highpriority task priority scheduling.