Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 285-291.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2022.01.35

• Communications and Networks • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Novel construction of repairable fountain code in distributed storage systems

Anan ZHOU, Benshun YI*, Yusheng LIU, Laigan LUO   

  1. School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
  • Received:2020-11-23 Online:2022-01-01 Published:2022-01-19
  • Contact: Benshun YI


In order to alleviate the large consumption of the bandwidth resource during the encoding packet transmission for repairable fountain codes (RFC), a novel construction of RFC based on improved compressed column storage algorithm (ICCS-RFC) is proposed. For the ICCS-RFC scheme, the neighbor information of coded packets is modeled as sequence and compressed losslessly by taking the columns of the generator matrix as unit. In the scenario of keeping the advantages of RFC, the scheme effectively reduces the amount of data transmitted of repairing the failed nodes and downloading the source file. In addition, a new performance evaluation index, named effective throughput, is proposed to analyze the performance of ICCS-RFC scheme. Theoretical analysis and simulation results verify the superiority of the proposed scheme, which can significantly improve the effectiveness of transmission and reduce the effective throughput, especially for repairing the single failure.

Key words: repairable fountain codes (RFC), generator matrix, compressed column storage, effective throughput

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