Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 307-312.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2022.01.38

• Communications and Networks • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Attention mechanism based CNN channel estimation algorithm in millimeter-wave massive MIMO system

Ziyan LIU*, Shanshan MA, Jing LIANG, Mingcheng ZHU, Lei YUAN   

  1. College of Big Data and Information Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
  • Received:2020-12-31 Online:2022-01-01 Published:2022-01-19
  • Contact: Ziyan LIU


In outdoor ray tracing communication scenarios, aiming at the problems of low channel estimation accuracy defected by its sparse characteristics and noise factors in millimeter-wave massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO), an image denoising attention mechanism based convolutional neural network channel estimation algorithm is proposed. Firstly, after constructing the data set for simulating the real environment by setting the parameters, generate channel matrix is regarded as a two-dimensional image. Then, the attention mechanism network is constructed to enhance the saliency of the noise features in the image, and the attention mechanism network is embedded in the convolutional neural network (CNN) for feature fusion. Finally, the noise extracted by the network model achieves the denoising effect and the denoised image, the estimated channel matrix is obtained. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed attention mechanism based CNN (Attention-CNN) algorithm achieves better performance of higher channel estimation accuracy, which improved by about 1.86 dB on average, compared with least square (LS), minimum mean square error (MMSE), CNN and denoising convolutional neural network (DnCNN).

Key words: millimeter-wave massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO), channel estimation, convolutional neural network (CNN), attention mechanism, denoising

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